Meatless Mondays: Vegan Cauliflower Steak
Cauliflowers are amazing, not only do they taste delicious when eaten raw but can be cooked numerous ways. It is a great gluten free & vegan option to replace bread, serve as a meat substitute and as a side. It is also super nutritious, containing a good bit of vitamins (especially vitamin C) as well as folate, fiber, beta carotene, antioxidants and has a variety of health benefits (click here for more nutritional information).
At home, we love to use it in many recipes such as cauliflower mash, bites, au gratin and this weekend we made cauliflower steak, topped with a dairy free, vegan “cream sauce”. It was the best one to date and this time instead of bread crumbs we used quinoa flakes. Now this recipe does use organic flour but you can use any flour replacement such as coconut flour. We made a side of butter beans, you can add any side you want!
We took photos of how the cauliflower is cut to get the best piece.
Coat cauliflower steaks well in flour.
Then cover in Flaxegg:
1/4 cup flax
1/2 cup water. Sit for 5 min the stir and coat

Left: Flaxegg Right: Quinoa/Spices
Then cover completely in a tablespoon each of:
Onion Powder
Garlic Powder and salt
1/2 cup Quinoa flakes
Shake well in a flat container or dish. Place cauliflower steaks on the mixture, move it around to coat. Then flip over, coat other side. Also, taking more of the mixture to cover any spaces missed on the top side. (Photographed above). Cover thoroughly.
1/2 cup Almond milk
1/2 cup Coconut cream powder
Several dashes Soy sauce (we used fish sauce)
1 tsp Ginger
1 tsp Curry
A squeeze of Lemon
Salt and pepper
Stir well. Heat at medium, stirring until it comes to a light boil.
Drizzle onto cauliflower steaks on the plate. We garnished with cilantro, diced tomatoes and fresh thinly sliced jalapeño. Also, sunflower seeds sprinkled on top.
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