I had been searching for an eco friendly phone case for a good bit and kept finding handmade type, wood or bamboo cases and was not wanting that type of case. I am trying to get out as much unnecessary plastic as possible in my life and I will write more later on the other items I have found in the process. I was happy to find the company, Pela Case, who makes eco friendly, compostable phone cases that are cute and keep your phone safe if it is dropped(like I think we all do), with natural shock absorption. Pela Case has a great mission in mind and if you go to their website, there is so much information on their story, different cases(which they have for a variety of phones) and their vision.
I was saddened by the amount of plastic that washed up on the shores in the Dominican Republic when I was there in Punta Cana last year and I wasn’t even in the area with the most. I have seen pictures of it overwhelming shores in certain coves and they are working hard to try to remove, but it is constantly washing in.
What I saw was little bits of plastic pieces, plastic bottles, hangers, forks and more. The crew on the resort was constantly sweeping it up and the sea grass but it was hard to separate, it was also a higher tide that weekend so hard to keep up with for them. I wrote about this experience a while back, here is the link to those pictures(again not even as bad as I’ve seen online). So my mission is to cut wayyyy back on plastics and continue to purchase sustainable, recycled, organic or consignment/thrift clothing.
I digress, Pela Case was started because of the founder, Jeremy Lang, having the same type of experience when on vacation with his family in Hawaii. He saw his son digging up plastic while playing in the sand on the beach and started thinking about the impact it has and could had on our lives and the sustainability of life on this planet.
Their phones are made from an innovative plant based material, I mean really, why can’t more companies just start doing that? We really need to take more action on pressuring larger companies to follow Pela Case (and other companies’ leads on this major issue). The cases are free from BPA or any other harmful ingredients and are safe for children. It protects the front of the phone and has perfect cuts to plug into Aux cord if needed. Not only that, but they have lots of color options and some with cute,meaningful phrases on the back!

There is some really great and useful information here on their site about bioplastics. It covers the difference between biodegradable and compostable, what can be recycled, why you can’t mix these into the regular trash and more….check it out here.
One more side note. By time I wrote this blog, I was unable to find the the recycled envelope the case came in with their card. Which I will add the picture of if I find it after I post this. There was no unnecessary plastic in the packaging,which I love. A lot of “eco friendly” companies are still sending their products with regular non recyclable plastic.
Their values are based on Community, Creativity, Conciousness and Courage. I love these values and you can read a full synopsis of those here on their site. I love the quotes under “Consciousness”……”
Live with awareness and consciousness of the impact of our choices.
We are mindful of the impact of even the smallest decisions.
We are grateful for both the opportunities and the challenges we face.
We are humbled by the lessons learned in both wins and losses.
We are concerned only with what’s right instead of who’s right.
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