Hälsa Essentials

Hälsa Essentials

Hälsa Essentials is an aromatherapy company that makes portable aromatherapy essential oil roll ons.

They have a variety of different products for specific purposes, all oils are diluted with coconut oil since essential oils are very strong and should be diluted with a carrier oil (coconut, avocado, apricot, almond, olive…..).  These essential oil roll ons are perfect for an on the go person, whether a yogi or not, or to have by your bedside to help with breathing,relaxing, clear your mind, and in general with sleep.

There are oils for energy, to mellow over tense people, and even to ease nausea, not to mention they are perfect for Yoga teachers who like to use oils during Savasana (yes I love to!!). There’s also a line of  salt inhalers, such as a pocket neti.

Here is my interview with the general manager of Basic Vigor Nutraceuticals, who owns Hälsa Essentials as well as their first product, Migrastil which is an all natural migraine roll on.

Bella-How did you become aware and passionate about aromatherapy, alternative healing and essential oils?

Hälsa-I’ve been interested in alternative/natural medicine since I was a kid. I really like the self-reliance aspect of natural medicine. Of course, there are times when you have to go to a traditional doctor and I would never tell anyone not to see their doctor, but for me, if I can treat an issue myself without traditional medicine, I will. I also like the fact that there are usually fewer or no side effects with natural products and this is not always the case with traditional medicines. And, honestly, it’s just fun learning about alternative therapies like herbal medicine and aromatherapy. We call these “alternative” but in reality, much of this knowledge goes back to ancient times and it’s really neat to have that connection to the past.

B-When did you come up with idea of developing a therapuetic line of roll-ons and herbal migraine remedies and start the company? And then how long from their to fruition of your idea?

H-So, our company, Basic Vigor Nutraceuticals, is all about natural health. Our first product was Migrastil – a natural supplement for migraine sufferers. And we also developed Migrastil Migraine Stick – an aromatherapy roll-on for migraines. These products were born directly out of my own experience as a migraine sufferer. I’ve tried many things over the years, both natural and pharmaceutical. Through my research and trying different things personally I found a combination of natural supplements that worked well to help stave off migraines. I wanted these ingredients in one product and I also wanted to help others with migraines, and that’s why and how I created Migrastil. From there we began developing new products promote natural health, including our latest product line – Halsa Essentials Aromatherapy, which has already become very popular and which we are really proud of.

B-What was your process for finding ingredients and where are your products produced?

H-We research the ingredients for all of our products extensively using both modern research materials and traditional texts. Our aromatherapy products are made in our family-run facilities in Virginia and Georgia as well as another family-owned operation we partner with located in Michigan. Our natural supplements are made in a GMP-certified facility in Washington state, which is also a smaller family-run business that has been producing quality supplements for 30 years. It’s important to me to partner with other smaller businesses because its easier to build relationships of trust with them. Before we offer any product, I have to 100% certain of its quality.

B-Do you have plans to grow the company or what is your vision for the future of Halsa?

H-Right now we’re really excited about our Halsa Essentials aromatherapy products and want to develop this line further. We are especially excited about our aromatherapy for yoga products – Asana Flow, Sweet Savasana, and Mindful Meditation. Yoga is such a wonderful way to improve and maintain your health and I think aromatherapy is the perfect compliment to yoga practice.

Hälsa Essentials is also a part of my giveaway, click here to enter.

Hälsa Essentials online:





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